For children:
– Creating a spectacle in which they are a party to the realisation
– Enabling them to discover an artistic universe unknown to them
– Developing notions of teamwork, listening, and perseverance
For cultural players:
– Favouring access to culture by supplementing the offer to the city’s cultural players
– Creating a synergy and decompartmentalising local cultural organisations
– Creating ties with the population
The project seeks to set up workshops of artistic practice (music, dance and theatre) and create a show put on in a professional theatre. Tami Troman, director, will be in charge of the project’s artistic coordination and follow the work of all the groups whilst building the show’s artistic framework.
Duration : 1-1.5hr/session
Number of session : to be determined over a year
Number of musicians : 3 contributors + 7 professional musicians
Public : every public (school, academies of music, dance and theater)
December 2011 – March 2012 : production : Aubervilliers (93)
Further information